Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Can you prove that our entire universe and existence is not a computer simulation?
by EndofMysteries inif you were a computer programmer and you were to create a simulated automated world, that would constantly evolve and self run after initial designs.
first you would have to code the rules, laws, and core elements of this world.
while this is being coded, the program is not run yet, so none of it exists.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Village Idiot
This book has over 500 pages of fine print in oversized pages on any subject of evolution including rebuttals to the "flood". Well worth the price.
Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy
What Songs Best Fit you when you learned TATT and Afterwards?
by Wasanelder Once inthe work of john lennon best fit my situation.
first, i found out.
i found out.
Village Idiot
The song that goes:
But as for me
Determined I shall be
To walk eternally
In my integrity
It's a beautiful song. Too bad that an evil religion is associated with it.
My Day Is Over
by compound complex inmy day's long and arduous journey winds down.infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into herwelcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,that transition into a higher andmore glorious state.
than allowed me upon thisbeautiful but angst-filledhabitation.. i rejoice in what has beenprepared from early on.i await the call .
A sucker is born every minute
by Sour Grapes ini was an elder in the 1970's and i was not a big fan of the "stay alive until 75" dogma.
i was looked down upon by the heavy hitters on the body of elders and in time i changed my mind.
i knew of the failed prophecy of 1914 being the end of all times which was repeated for the year 1925...yet i came to believe well maybe this time they've got it right.. with every new watchtower, i combed over every word to find support for my change in my belief that the end was coming in fall of 1975. at the district assembly in 1975, everyone clung onto every word in the final talk.
Village Idiot
Sour Grapes:
Then in September of 1975 I heard the talk from brother Franz where he started to do some back peddlng stating that if Eve was created three months after Adam's creation then that would push Armegeddon into 1976. If Eve was created a year after Adam's creation then the thousand year of rule of Jesus would be a year after Adam's creation. When he stated we don't know when Eve was created, I knew that we have been duped again. I fell for it even though I knew of the WTBTS many failed prophecies.
Actually, the "Adam and Eve gap" as it was known back then predated the year 1975. I remember going to Franz's talk in 1974 and hearing him describe the 'gap' by saying it could be months or years but not decades. The absurd (what isn't?) reason for this was that if Adam were to be left without a wife for decades then he could be tempted into bestiality.
"Will Jehovah allow Adam to be tempted into bestiality?" said Franz.
"No brothers and sisters." was his response to his own question.
Craziest thing I've seen in field service
by Chook inworking an area in town with this brother who after knocking on door and finding no one home , he stands behind small tree and has piss on front lawn.fairdinkim.i hope they weren't peeping through binds,but then again better the piss than the shit mags we were going to leave..
Village Idiot
In a poor isolated neighborhood, at the edge of town, a Hispanic family was preparing a dead goat for lunch. It was hanging by a tree with its throat slit. A 5 year old was pulling on the horns apparently trying to get the last drop of blood out.
One of the sisters I was with said she wanted to puke.
Howto: get access to scientific papers
by Anders Andersen insince most people are not aware on how to get (free*) access to scientific papers and journals, so here's a short list of resources.. search for the paper.
maybe you'll get lucky and find it somewhere for free.. if you can only find a paid for version of the paper, get the title, doi (sort of like an isbn number) and link to the download page of the paper on the paysite.. if you don't know the doi, find it by searching your paper's title on
go to the libgen site (links here: ) and search for the paper.
Village Idiot
Mmmm... I use the VPN of my university and that magically grant me access to most scientific journals and most articles for free... even the paid ones ...
Can you PM me with that VPN? Pretty please.
American democracy in crisis
by slimboyfat inokay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
Village Idiot
Blacks engage in crimes out of proportion to the rest of the general population simply because of poverty. Poverty breeds crime and you would have the same pattern in impoverished white communities.
The Sadness of the Poet
by compound complex ini feel a sadness so deep that friends wonder why my art and my blinds remain undrawn.. gone is the muse who promised me solacewhile guys played ball and climbed tall trees.. a blank canvas before me says, "here's your life, where has it gone?".
is it too late to become what imight have become .
Village Idiot
It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot
I have that quote engraved on my book marker. It sometimes gives me hope but other times it grieves me.